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Bienvenue sur le site d’Alison Layland
Auteure et traductrice

My debut novel, Someone Else's Conflict, is published by Honno.

A compelling narrative of trust and betrayal, love, loyalty and honour.

A surprisingly sensitive and compassionate thriller where the lurking suspense surges forward and delivers blasts of turbulence and ferocity. This is subtle, clever writing…. Much more than just a thriller, at its heart it is a story about friendship, responsibility, remorse and how the past can incarcerate and command everyday lives.’

‘A real page-turner about the need for love, and the search for redemption… If you like a fast-paced thriller but want more - then buy this book’
Martine Bailey, author of
An Appetite for Violets

‘Snatches my interest and my emotions and never lets go…’
Thorne Moore, author of
A Time for Silence

Watch the trailer video:


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