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Cyhoeddir fy nofel gyntaf, Someone Else’s Conflict, gan Honno

Nofel afaelgar am ymddiriedaeth a brad, cariad, ffyddlondeb a rhinwedd.

A surprisingly sensitive and compassionate thriller where the lurking suspense surges forward and delivers blasts of turbulence and ferocity. This is subtle, clever writing…. Much more than just a thriller, at its heart it is a story about friendship, responsibility, remorse and how the past can incarcerate and command everyday lives.’www.Lovereading.co.uk


Cewch ragflas yma:

Cyhoeddir fy nofel gyntaf, Someone Else’s Conflict, gan Honno

Croeso i wefan Alison Layland
Cyfieithydd ac awdur

Darllenwch mwy >>>>

Someone Else's Conflict has been longlisted for the
Waverton Good Read Award 2015-16